
Updated September 2024

New opening times in place along withn school

8:40am - 3:20pm school hours 

Parents Information for September 


Please remember that as the children do most of their learning outdoors they need weather appropriate clothing every day. Please check that any summery footwear has an ankle strap and will withstand lots of running, climbing, water and sand. ‘Flip flop’ type sandals are not appropriate for nursery. Similarly, please bring in summer hats. Please check that all your child’s belongings are named and return any borrowed clothes as soon as possible.

Forest School Session 

Spring Term 2025

The sessions will take place on a Friday afternoon, please make sure your child arrives at nursery in old clothes to suit the weather.  Please make sure you have wellies in nursery at all times. (These sessions will be confirmed by email)

In Crookhill we are very pleased to tell you we are using an exciting programme called EYlog.

This programme allows us to keep detailed observations and photographs of children that link to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. We can then share these with parents via email daily. 

The Elog system allows you to book your children into the out of school club.

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