Our Forest School

The forest school provides a safe, outdoor ’classroom’ located in the beautiful school grounds.  Supervised by trained forest school leaders, the children are encouraged to explore all aspects of the natural world. The children’s interests and ideas will be the basis of all activities that will in turn extend their learning.

Materials used will typically include :- mud, sticks, logs, leaves, stones, string, collecting boxes, magnifying glasses, tarpaulins, books, pictures, paper, charcoal, sand, water and lots of imagination.

The activities will include:- hide & seek, den-building, picture-making, mini beast hunting, collecting & sorting, singing, listening, observing growth & decay. Noting changes in seasons. Leaf printing, tree rubbing, using camera and video to record events & many more.

Personal, Social & Emotional development:-

Build self esteem, independence, co-operation, team work & self confidence. Respect for the outdoors and living things. Sharing experiences with peers and adults. Health & safety

Maths development:-

Counting natural objects. Sorting shapes, colours & sizes. Measuring, problem solving & calculating. Pattern making & recognising.

Physical development:-

Spatial awareness, balancing, negotiating obstacles. Use of tools. Games and healthy exercise out side.

Communication, Language & Literacy:-

Speaking and listening skills, discussing findings, sharing ideas, story telling, singing songs & rhymes. Mark making in the mud.

Understanding of the World:-

Investigating all the natural flora & fauna in the woodland area. Noting weather changes and how to keep safe, predicting & experimenting. Growing and using our senses to learn about materials, textures, changes etc.

 Exspressive Arts and Design :-

Dancing, music making, picture making using natural materials. Mud painting. Role play & imaginative play.

For More Information on forest School and Training Providers



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